SpotOn Turf Products LLC.
PO BOX 221462
Chicago,Il 60622

Main: (708) 793-SPOT (7768)

James Boccarossa
Managing Director
Direct: (773) 251-5340

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How many spot treatments will one aerosol container make?
      ANS: One SpotOnTurf can will be able to produce a foam-forming application of approximately 200 sprays of sprinkler head size.
What is the spray pattern?
      ANS: All products are designed to produce a full cone spray pattern. From 6 inches above target, a 6 inch diameter spray will be accomplished.
How many cans will I need to apply the AerShot Detailing Foam to my sprinkler heads and yardage markings?
      ANS: This will depend on the amount of targets on your golf course. An 18 hole golf course typically has 1000 sprinkler heads and yardage markers fixed in high visibility areas. (4 to 6 cans).
Will the AerShot Detailing Foam kill my grass?
      ANS: Indirect spray of this product will not damage your turf. The accuracy of this system of delivery will not harm the surrounding plants. Grass blades that cover your target may result in a slight tinging effect. Avoid spraying this product directly on to turf plants.
How long does it take for the foam to dissolve?
      ANS: The aerosol spray creates a white foam that will dissipate depending on the environmental factors. On a clear, sunny day, the foam will dissolve at the most rapid rate (less than 5 minutes).
Are the SpotOnTurf cans recyclable?
      ANS: Yes, empty cans may be recycled. Please contact your local waste agency for the proper recycling procedure.
Is it necessary to use a marking wand when applying these products?
      ANS: No, Marking Wand compatibility allows for a large scope of benefits in application, but they can also be triggered by hand.